Are you Singapore’s Next Fashion Superblogger?

Are you a fashionista? Do you have a fashion blog that provides style advice? Tampines 1 and Straits Times Urban are looking for a blogger with style and influence. You may be Singapore’s next Fashion Superblogger!

6 finalists will be picked for an exciting 3-week challenge that includes a shopping spree, styling ideas, blogging skills and media exposure.  The winner will be appointed the official online fashion ambassador for Tampines 1!

The Contest Winner will receive the title of Singapore’s Next Fashion Superblogger and $2,500 AsiaMalls shopping vouchers.  The 1st Runner-Up will receive $1,500 AsiaMalls shopping vouchers and the 2nd Runner-Up will receive $1,000 AsiaMalls shopping vouchers.



The 1st round of recruitment is from 5 March to 14 March 2010. Simply email your details (Full Name, NRIC/Passport Number, Age, Current Occupation, Contact Number, Blog URL), a brief summary of your fashion style and a recent photograph of yourself in your chicest outfit to

Do note that the Contest is open to Singapore citizens and Permanent Residents only, aged 18 years or older at time of entry and all participants must have an online blog in which the primary focus is on fashion that was created before 1 January 2010.


1)    Six shortlisted Contestants will be contacted by phone and/or email on or about March 15, 2010 by a representative of Organizers.

2)    All shortlisted Contestants are required to attend a Bloggers’ Briefing Session on 18 March 2010 at 7pm, Tampines 1 Centre Management Office.


1)    The Contestants will compete in three Weekly Challenges to compete for the Grand Prize.

2)    For all of the 3 Weekly Challenges, Organizers will provide each Contestant with the same clothing or accessory item (e.g. a pair of shoes, a handbag or a dress) to be determined by Organizers.

3)    Each contestant will be given a total of $500 AsiaMalls vouchers as part of the Weekly Challenges for the purpose of styling themselves within the given budget. All purchased fashion items featured in the entries are to be found in the stores at Tampines 1.  Contestants are required to credit all items in their entries, including item description, store name and retail price. Contestants will be allowed to use maximum one personal item and it shall be credited as “Blogger’s Own” in their entries.

4)    Contestants will be asked to incorporate said item into a complete outfit in a distinct way, thus, creating a stylish head-to-toe look; and submit a photograph (.JPG format) of said outfit from head-to-toe along with a blurb of 140 characters or less explaining their style choice/decision.

5)    All contestants will be required to write a blog post explaining their styling choice for the weekly challenge every week with links back to Tampines 1 Facebook Page. These blog posts must be emailed to by the submission deadline noted in the weekly challenge guidelines that the Contestants will receive. We will also upload these blog posts and photos on Tampines 1 Facebook Page/Mall Blog and feature the photos in Straits Times URBAN.

Please click here to download and read through the full list of Official Rules.


Contestants will be reviewed by a panel of judges based on the following criteria:

●       Originality – 30 points

●       Styling Skills – 30 points

●       Blogging /Writing Skills – 15 points

●       Overall Image – 20 points

●       Votes    – 3 bonus points (URBAN readers) + 2 bonus points (Tampines 1 Facebook Page fans)

The Contestant with the highest cumulative number of valid, confirmed votes from URBAN and Tampines 1 Facebook Page (subject to verification) will respectively gain 3 bonus points and 2 bonus point in the Contest.

Do not miss this chance to be “Singapore’s Next Fashion Superblogger!” We look forward to receive your registration!

Love, Tampines 1